Schools and Groups Booking FAQS
- Click here to book online now or to book or enquire about group visits during weekends or school holidays, please email us at [email protected]
- School and group visits to Mead Open Farm must be booked online in advance. You can either pay upfront today or, you will need to pay a £100 non-refundable deposit today and the remaining balance 14 days before your visit via invoice.
- No worries if your numbers change, just let us know and we can adjust your booking accordingly.
- Email us at [email protected] for any further information that you may require.
- Group leaders and teachers can visit Mead Open Farm prior to their visit to complete their own risk assessment.
- Please read our Plan Your Visit and Health & Safety Information pages to obtain the most from your day out.
- Please note that socks must be worn in Shaggy’s PlayWorld, and there are some height and age restrictions on some of the activities such as the Sky Trail and Giant’s Rock climbing wall.
We have created a risk assessment form to assist group organisers, school teachers and others in drawing up their own risk assessments. Please click here to download our risk assessment document. You’ll also get a free planning visit for trip organisers to carry out risk assessments before the date of your arrival.
Visit My Farm is a “one stop shop” for farmers and teachers looking for help about educational visits to farms and the countryside. The website has been created by FACE (Farming and Countryside Education) and LEAF (Linking Environment and Farming).Click here for their ‘Advice to Teachers and Others’ document which will help you as you plan your visit to our Farm.